Education & Training
Training and courses to help deal with a variety of challenging situations
Professional development workshops
Workshops will cater to a range of experience levels given the strengths based nature of facilitation and the tailoring of the session to attendees learning needs and level. Programs are relevant across a range of sectors and a range of professionals working in the health and community services field.
Price includes GST, comprehensive notes, lunch, morning & afternoon tea. Group size is 40 participants maximum.
Unlocking Complex Trauma in Adults Traumatized as Children- Keys to Transforming the Mind, Brain and Body! FIJI or ONLINE
Presented by: Donna Zander
Date: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th April (2 days)
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm AEST
Attendance options: This event is available both in person and online.
Venue: Cruscoe's Retreat Fiji Islands
Inclusions: Morning, Afternoon Tea, Lunch & GST Inclusive
Course overview
Unlocking Complex Trauma in Adults Traumatised as Children - Keys to transforming the mind, brain and body
Some of the most difficult to support and treat people we see have histories of profound trauma, which can often get lost when a diagnosis is made. This workshop will focus on effective trauma assessment which is paramount to the development of effective intervention/treatment plans and yet so often is either missed or minimised and the focus is on the effects- the depression, anxiety. Practitioners will become trauma detectives and be given the tools to assist in this process, both in frameworks and testing- learning how to implement and score a rage of relevant psychometric tests and integrate them into their practice. The conceptualisation and treatment of complex trauma and its many variants and Axis II diagnoses, namely Borderline Personality Disorder will then be uncovered. Complex trauma is defined as involving traumatic stressors that are: 1) repetitive or prolonged; 2) occur at developmentally vulnerable times in the person's life and 3) are relational-often perpetrated by caregivers. The effects and journey through such experiences will be addressed, including difficulties with identity and personality development; interpersonal and emotional dysregulation, as well as symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a range of other co-morbidities. This foundational, theoretical skills-based training will provide you with the skills necessary to successfully case manage, support, treat, advocate for, and refer people. Through the use of a range of case studies, the principles of safe trauma therapy and evidence based approaches to treatment will be discussed and reviewed.
Learning outcomes
1. To appropriately assess and intervene in relation to complex trauma presentations. 2. Understand the links between core theoretical knowledge and therapeutic intervention utilising the three phase trauma treatment model. 3. Increased confidence and competence in dealing with these complex presentations and transforming the embedded trauma load and related shame and self loathing. 4. Gain knowledge of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, the W.O.T. and how to use such strategies. 5. Recognising the current evidence based approaches in this area of work and where their current learning and self care gaps are.
Special price: $260.00 (normally $460.00)
FIJIAN residents price: $260.00
Sleep Post Trauma: Insomnia and Parasomnia (Nightmares and more) Extermination! FIJI or ONLINE
Presented by: Donna Zander
Date: Thursday 26th - Friday 27th June 2025 (2 days)
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm AEST
Attendance options: This event is available both in person and online.
Venue: Cruscoe's Retreat Fiji Islands
Inclusions: Morning, Afternoon Tea, Lunch & GST Inclusive
Course overview
Sleep post trauma: Insomnia and Parasomnia (Nightmares and more) Eradication (2 days)
Like sufferers, practitioners often avoid the issue of sleep-in trauma treatment. A CBT-based approach has emerged as the 'treatment of choice' for managing sleep difficulties in trauma presentations. Sleep disruption is both a strategy and an effect of violence, abuse and trauma which profoundly effects the lives of people who have suffered. This workshop traces the interconnections between the patterns of sleeping (not sleeping), the insomnias and the parasomnias for adults, young people and children. Many survivors experience nightmares, bed-wetting, night panic and disrupted sleep patterns following trauma. Recovery of the ability to sleep is often slow and uneven with interactive effects. Sleep difficulties impair night functioning, reduce quality of life and can cause secondary health problems. The workshop will explore proven evidence based therapeutic strategies to improve nighttime happenings and help to make new positive dreams come true! Issues relating to treatment implementation and factors that mediate sufferers' responses are examined, including clinical outcomes utilising a range of case studies. Participants will have the opportunity to practice and develop skills in I.R.T. and other treatments.
Learning outcomes
Participants will: 1. Increase their knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms and processes underpinning sleep in children and adults and the impact of trauma on such processes. 2. Increase knowledge of appropriate trauma sleep assessment and intervention models. 3. Be provided with the appropriate skills in assessing, intervening and supporting the long term recovery of sleep. 4. Develop creative and proven effective intervention tools for their tool box including skills in creative dreaming and I.R.T.
Price: $460.00
FIJIAN residents price: $440.00
Healthy Couple Marriage Relationships - FIIJI or ONLINE
Presented by: Donna Zander
Date: Thursday 17th - Friday 18th October 2025 (2 days)
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm AEST
Attendance options: This event is available both in person and online.
Venue: Cruscoe's Retreat Fiji Islands
Inclusions: Morning, Afternoon Tea, Lunch & GST Inclusive
Course overview
Special price: $260.00 (normally $460.00)
Treating Addiction and Mental Health - FIJI or ONLINE
Presented by: Donna Zander
Date: Monday 6th - Tuesday 7th October 2025 (2 days)
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm AEST
Attendance options: This event is available both in person and online.
Venue: Cruscoe's Retreat Fiji Islands
Inclusions: Morning, Afternoon Tea, Lunch & GST Inclusive
Course overview
This two day workshop aims to bring attention the fact that alcohol features commonly in domestic violence incidents and there are strong associations between men's alcohol misuse and the use of physical violence against their female partners, greater levels of severity, injury and homicide associated with abusers' drinking, and also a greater likelihood of injury if the abuse victim has been drinking. In turn, victimization has been shown to often lead to drinking and other addiction problems as acts of coping with the trauma of both childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence. Our siloed sectors have historically seen them as single problems. Many in the domestic violence sector have been reluctant to fully engage with this association due to concerns about misconstruing alcohol as a cause of partner abuse, thereby reducing perpetrator responsibility for their violence and failing to target its real causes. Models used in the drug and alcohol sector fail both to address the significance and complexity of the trauma of the domestic violence as being the cause of the addiction in victims and; to hold perpetrators accountable for their violence. The specialist trauma field often fails to understand the unique and complex gendered nature of domestic violence trauma presentations colluding with abusive men, or ignoring power issues. More effective responses to this issue are urgently needed and interventions targeting both alcohol misuse and attitudes and behaviors supportive of violence will be more effective. Interventions need to be guided by goals of victim safety, provision of trauma informed support and services, the prevention of abuse and making perpetrators accountable for their behavior. Violence is a socially learned behavior that is not necessarily the result of mental illness or addiction. Abstinence and sobriety are not sufficient conditions for the safety of victims in domestic violence. Intervention and prevention models will be examined.
Learning outcomes
* Develop an understanding of the relationship between alcohol misuse and related domestic violence theorised within a feminist framework and that policies, services, treatment and intervention programs should be informed by an appropriately complex and contextual understanding of domestic violence. * Examine the key theoretical differences and divergent views between service models of: domestic violence; trauma and; alcohol abuse treatment services and identify the challenges that these present in practice. * To explore issues of addiction for domestic violence agencies in particular: management of addiction behaviour in residential settings such as refuge; intake and assessment screening; the impact of addiction on future safety planning and risk; co-morbidity with child abuse and; poly addiction. * To explore issues of domestic violence trauma in addiction treatment for women, in particular; the role of alcohol and drugs in mediating physical and emotional pain. * To develop an understanding of the role and relationship of addiction in young people's experience of dating violence, in particular the role of alcohol as a risk or contributing factor. * To explore addiction as a coping and survival mechanism for victims of domestic and child sexual abuse- to 'self-medicate' to alleviate the effects of pain and shame and to avoid traumatic memory. * To develop appropriate skills in victim and perpetrator co-morbid screening, assessment, intervention, harm minimisation and relapse prevention in the context of the complex nature of the issues identified. * To develop an understanding of the issues of domestic violence in alcohol abuse treatment for perpetrators and alcohol and drug abuse issues in perpetrator intervention programs. * To explore systemic responses leading to proactive prevention of domestic violence and addiction.
Special price: $260.00 (normally $460.00)